Prof. Abir De Sarkar
Scientist 'G' (Senior Professor H)
Former Dean (Faculty) & Dean (Academics)
Institute of Nano Science & Technology Sector-81, Knowledge City, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar, Punjab, India, Pin - 140306
Phone: +91-172-229-7049
Email : abir@inst.ac.in, abirdesarkar@gmail.com
Prof. Abir De Sarkar is a theoretical Physicist and former Dean (Faculty) and Dean (Academics) at INST Mohali, India. He is broadly interested in energy conversion based on 2D material to tackle some of the world's most challenging problems in energy and futuristic electronics. Known for his research in Nano science, he has been honored with Prof. CNR Rao Award for Excellence in Nanoresearch for the year 2018.
Prof. De Sarkar has been a recipient of the President of India, Medal for the year 2000 for having topped all the postgraduate disciplines in the Calcutta University, Kolkata, India. ACS recognizes Prof. De Sarkar as top 3% highly cited authors for 2019-2020, while IOP Publishing, UK has conferred upon him and his PhD scholars the top cited paper award 2023. He is an Editorial Advisory Board member of the Journal of Physical Chemistry A, B, C and a member of Editor (Applied Physics): Association of Asia Pacific Physical Society (AAPPS) Bulletin.
Prof. De Sarkar pursues research in the realm of Computational Nanoscience using density functional theory based approaches. His forte is 2D materials for energy conversion and next generation electronics: Piezoelectricity, valleytronics, spintronics, photovoltaics, photocatalysis, energy conversion, next-generation electronics, self-powered flexible piezo-spintronics, carrier mobility, thermoelectricity (thermal to electrical energy conversion), Nanocatalysis, Gas sensors, band gap and edge engineering in nanomaterials, optoelectronic and photophysical properties.
2000-2004: Ph.D. in Physics (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP), Kolkata, India)
GATE-2000 (97.84 percentile, All India Rank - 34), NET-CSIR Qualified
1999-2000: Post M.Sc. in Physics (Course work prior to Ph.D.), SINP, Kolkata, India
1997-1999: M.Sc. in Physics (Calcutta University, India) (First Class First: Rank 1)
1994-1997: B.Sc. (Hons) in Physics (First class), St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata, Calcutta University, India (Awarded National Scholarship)
1992-1994: Completed Higher Secondary (10+2), (Rank 75, Awarded National Scholarship )
Awards & Honours
IOP Publishing, UK has conferred upon him and his PhD scholars the top cited paper award 2023.
ACS recognizes Prof. De Sarkar as top 3% highly cited authors for 2019-2020.
Prof. CNR Rao award for excellence in Nano research for the year 2018 in recognition of computationally insightful studies on 2D materials
President of India, Medal for the year 2000 for having topped all the postgraduate disciplines in the Calcutta University, Kolkata, India.
Awarded Max-Planck (postdoctoral) Fellowship at the Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society),Berlin-Dahlem, Germany from 2004 to 2005
Awarded Postdoctoral Fellowship by the Wenner-Gren Stiftelserna/Foundation, Sweden
Obtained 97.84 percentile in Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering, 2000 (GATE-2000), a national level competitive examination, conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT). All India Rank - 34
Qualified the National Eligibility Test (NET) in 2000, a national level competitive examination, conducted by the Council of Scientific-and-Industrial Research (CSIR), India; Awarded Joint CSIR-Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Eligibility for Lecturership in Physical Sciences under the CSIR-scheme.
Awarded National Scholarship on the basis of performance in the Higher Secondary, i.e., (10+2) examination, held in 1994
Awarded National Scholarship on the basis of performance in B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics, i.e., (10+2+3) examination, held in 1997
Awarded Junior Research Fellowship between August, 1999 and August, 2001; Awarded Senior Research Fellowship between September, 2001 and April, 2004 by the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP), Kolkata, India
Positions held
January 2025 onwards: Editorial Advisory Board member of the Journal of Physical Chemistry A, B, C
December 2023 onwards: Member of Editor (Applied Physics), Association of Asia Pacific Physical Society (AAPPS) Bulletin
January 2024 onwards: Professor (Scientist G) at the Institute of Nanoscience and Technology (INST), (An autonomous Institute of the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India), Knowledge City, Sector-81, Manauli, Mohali-140 036, Punjab, India
January 2020 - January 2024: Professor (Scientist F) at the Institute of Nanoscience and Technology (INST), (An autonomous Institute of the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India), Knowledge City, Sector-81, Manauli, Mohali-140 036, Punjab, India
March, 2014 - December 2019: Associate Professor (Scientist E) at the Institute of Nanoscience and Technology (INST), (An autonomous Institute of the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India), Habitat Centre, Phase-X, Sector-64, Mohali-160 062, Punjab, India
2013 - 2014: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Central University of Rajasthan, Tehsil: Kishangarh, Dist. Ajmer, India
2011 - 2013: Wenner-Gren Researcher/Forskare at KTH (Royal Institute of Technology), Stockholm, Sweden & Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
2010 - 2011: Senior Research Associate at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, City University of Hong Kong
2005 - 2010: served as a Research Scientist & Engineer on a A*STAR Visiting Investigator Program (VIP) between CEMES-CNRS, Toulouse, France and A*STAR, Singapore at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE-A*STAR), Singapore
2004 - 2005: Max Planck Postdoctoral Fellow at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max-Planck Society, Berlin, Germany
2000 - 2004: Completed Ph.D. in Physics in April, 2004 from the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (DAE Institute), Kolkata with DAE Fellowship