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Publications in 2017

  1. Dimple,  Nityasagar Jena,  Ashima Rawat,  Abir De Sarkar*, "Strain and pH facilitated artificial photosynthesis in monolayer MoS2 nanosheet", Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5 (2017) 22265-22276

  2. Harpreet Singh, Vijay K. Tomer, Nityasagar Jena, Indu Bala, Nidhi Sharma, Devadutta Nepak, Abir De Sarkar*, Kamalakannan Kailasam*, Santanu Pal*, "Truxene based Porous, Crystalline Covalent Organic Frameworks and it’s Applications in Humidity Sensing", Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5 (2017) 21820-21827 

  3. Nityasagar Jena, Dimple, Shounak Dhananjay Behere, Abir De Sarkar*, "Strain Induced Optimization of Nanoelectromechanical Energy Harvesting and Nanopiezotronic Response in MoS2 Monolayer Nanosheet", Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (2017) 9181–9190

  4. Dimple, Nityasagar Jena, Abir De Sarkar*, "Compressive strain induced enhancement in thermoelectric-power-factor in monolayer MoS2 nanosheet", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29 (2017) 225501 (7pp)

  5. Rajinder Kumar,   Ritu Rai,   Seema Gautam,   Abir De Sarkar,   N. Tiwari,   Shambhu Nath Jha,   Dibyendu Bhattacharyya,   Ashok K Ganguli and   Vivek Bagchi,  “Nano-structured hybrid Molybdenum Carbides/Nitrides generated in-situ for HER Applications”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (2017) 7764-7768 

  6. Renu Rani, Dimple, Nityasagar Jena, Anirban Kundu, Abir De Sarkar*, Kiran Shankar Hazra*, “Controlled formation of Nanostructures on MoS2 Layers by Focused Laser Irradiation”, Applied Physics Letters 110 (2017) 083101

  7. Neha Wadehra, Ruchi Tomar, Soumyadip Halder, Minaxi Sharma, Inderjit Singh, Nityasagar Jena, Bhanu Prakash, Abir De Sarkar, Chandan Bera, Ananth Venkatesan, S Chakraverty, "Electronic structure modification of the KTaO3 single-crystal surface by Ar+ bombardment", Physical Review B, 96 (2017) 115423 

  8. Sukhbir Singh, Abir De Sarkar, Bijender Singh, Inderpreet Kaur, “Electronic and Transport behavior of doped Armchair Silicene Nanoribbon Exhibiting Negative Differential Resistances and its FET Performance”, RSC Advances, 7 (2017) 12783–12792

  9. Sukhbir Singh, Abir De Sarkar, Inderpreet Kaur, "A comparative and a systematic study on the effects of B, N doping and C-atom vacancies on the band gap in narrow zig-zag graphene nanoribbons via quantum transport calculations", Materials Research Bulletin, 87 (2017) 167–176

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